Consult Autism asks questions of, and then, about. Consult Autism explores experience before analysis. Consult Autism honors sense and sensation, our existential roots of perceptual truth.

All services are tailored specifically to the individual needs and goals of each client, family system, and organization.

Consult Autism guides subjective, psychometric-informed self-assessments of Autism, and helps determine if a formal diagnosis is preferred or necessary.

Consult Autism provides a framework for pre- and post-identification Autistic growth and adaptation.

Consult Autism aligns families, couples, and community groups around the strengths and needs of their Autistic members.

Consult Autism provides Neurodivergent and Neurodivergent/Neurotypical relationships with insights, skills, and strategies.

Consult Autism supports and advises Autistic parents and parents of Autistic children.

Consult Autism provides resources and outlets for self-education and learning.

Consult Autism guides Neurodivergent mental health practitioners in effectively utilizing their sensitivities and processing styles in treatment.

Consult Autism promotes advocacy and autonomy in the workplace, classroom, and social circles.

Consult Autism facilitates a positive sense of Autistic understanding and identity.

The scope of Consult Autism’s services is specific to middle childhood, adolescent, and adult presentations of Autism with mild to moderate support needs (DSM-5 ASD Levels 1-2).

It is anticipated that most objectives can be fully engaged and achieved within three well-focused sessions.

Please note: in the consulting milieu, Autism evaluations, diagnoses, or mental health treatment are not provided. If there is a clear need for mental health treatment a referral will be offered.